17 April 2011

Korean Movies

No doubt, I like korean movies. The actor, actress, and the story. Its not like our "sinetron" which are pathetic. Sometimes, i'm watching them, because i want to, and sometimes because i want forget some of my problem things. Here are the list of korean movies that i already watched:

Baker King (four thumbs up, luv kim tak goo :p)

Secret Garden (three thumbs up)

The Princess (three thumbs up, like Park Hae Young's eyes)

Guminho (two thumbs up, story about "siluman rubah")

and yes, i like them all :p


fietta anggita said...

park hae yung..jatah gw tauuu... :))

Qkooy said...

enak ajaaaaah, dia dah janji sm gw *lohhh* :))